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Dedicated Internet Access

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Many businesses are held back from their true potential by slow network access. The slower your internet connection, the less productive your staff.

Typically, an ADSL line may work for offices with up to 5 people, but as your company grows, it's important to budget and plan your internet access requirements. aql® can help manage this growth and provide insight into how next generation access can actually save money.

ADSL has the following limitations :

  • Assymetric - downloading is fast, but uploading is slow - this can impact any inter-site working
  • Poor SLA
  • Not scaleable

An aql® Dedicated Internet Access circuit can be used to provide secure, reliable internet access and low cost telephony circuits.
  • Quick to scale - add extra voice capacity in minutes
  • Cost effective - aql® fibre access can cost the same or less than an equivalent SDSL line