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Cost of Services

The main cost factors to consider within colocation are electrical power and human time. aql have significant expertise in assisting our clients with the cost-benefit analysis to ascertain whether a fully managed service would be the most cost effective route, or whether a client would be better placed using their own expertise. Similarly, we can provide insight into the lifetime cost of hardware. In many cases, "green" hardware provides payback within the first year - we're here to help you make the right choice and to keep your costs manageable.

Colocation Costs

Costs comprise of a charge per unit of power and also for the amount of space used within a server rack. Typically, space is purchased either by the :
  • Cabinet unit or "U" - (1.75 inches). Many servers are 1U or 2U
  • Quarter rack - approximately 10U
  • Full rack - approximately 42 to 47U
An allocation of power and bandwidth is included as standard within all aql service offerings. This is usually calculated so that there is enough included bandwidth to ensure that the cost of colocation is a fixed monthly fee and there are is no need for the inconvenience of varying monthly bills.

Managed Services

In addition to climate controlled server space, power and bandwidth, aql can also offer :
  • Server design and build
  • Security Consultancy
  • Server and network penetration testing
  • 24/7 server monitoring and maintenance
  • SAN (storage area network) access
  • Offsite backup and restore