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EBurst (One SMS to Many)

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aql® E-Burst offers high speed distribution technology direct from your mobile, delivering the SMS you send to countless other mobiles in seconds. Designed to speeds up the process of dispensing large amounts of messages to pre-made lists, at times when speed of communication is vital.

Why would I need this?

The E-Burst system speeds up the process of dispensing large amounts of SMS to predefined lists, at times when speed of communication is vital. E-Burst offers a strategic solution that meets the demands of preparation and organisation of crisis management situations.

It's a practical method of sending large quantities of messages or simply passing on news, wherever, whenever you might find yourself.

Easy to use

Designed to be as easy to access and efficient as possible, once you have setup the service you will have chosen a unique telephone number, which will be linked to a list of recipients you created earlier. Any text messages you send to this number will then be forwarded to all the recipients numbers in the associated list.

Cost & process

It couldn't be a better time to join aql®, simply purchase one of our 14 million numbers for just £2+vat per month and start sending. The only other associated cost for this service would be the message credits themselves that you send.

  1. Choose a new number, or select an existing one from your telecoms control panel.
  2. Create a distribution list containing the group of numbers you wish to send to.
  3. On the telecoms control panel, configure the 'Inbound SMS Action' on the number you chose in step 1, selecting 'Distribution List' and pointing it to the list created in step 2.
  4. Send your number an SMS message, and let our systems deliver that to your listed clients