aql® are now able to provide outbound faxing on any of our 9 million numbers!
Using the service is simple - just sign up for a number, then visit the Telecoms Account control panel and convert the number to fax. You can then add the email addresses of anyone you want to be able to use the service.
Once you have you number set up, simply send emails to <faxnumber> and we will do the rest.
Our service will construct a cover page with the subject and body of the email. You can also attach the following types of file, which will be rendered as additional pages:
You will be informed by email of the status of the fax transmission, including any retries or errors.
Sending a fax costs 1 premium UK/Global SMS credit per page to most UK destinations. We only charge you for the pages that are sent, subject to a minimum of 1 page if the call connects. If the remote fax machine runs out of paper or errors part way though, we only charge for what was sent.