VoIP Software
The aql® VoIP service will work with almost any SIP software. Below are links to some of the more popular
SIP software suppliers. It's largely a matter of personal preference. Note - if you are behind a router
which uses NAT, you must choose software with NAT support such as the Counterpath "xlite" software.
SJ Labs
Getting started
1) download and install your software
2) Sign up with aql® and receive your login details
3) enter your login details into the software
4) Dial your friends. If your username is 600006 and your friend is username 600304, simply dial 600304
to connect to them. If you want to receive calls from conventional phones, simply give out your
0870 xxx xxxx number.
Note: To receive calls from SIP users who are using providers other than aql®, you would need to give them
your SIP address in standard format. Eg for user 600304 your "full" SIP (VoIP) address would be
[email protected].
Example - setting up Counterpath X-lite
Download Counterpath x-lite:
• Install X-lite
• Open settings menu (right of CLEAR in the centre of the app)
• System Settings >> Sip Proxy >> [default]
• Use the following settings:
Enabled: Yes
Display Name: Your Name - eg Fred Bloggs
User Name: 600304
Authorization User: 600304
Password: somepassword
Domain/Realm: sip.aql.com
SIP Proxy: sip.aql.com
Out Bound Proxy: Default
Send Internal IP: Default
Register: Default
Voicemail SIP URL
Forward SIP URL