Who We Are – A Brief History

aql® was formed in 1998 at the beginning of the “internet boom”. By mid 2000, aql was listed in the top 3% of registries (sales by volume of .uk domain names, source – Nominet UK annual statistics 2000-03).

This position enabled aql to invest heavily into telecoms infrastructure expansion, entering the mobile messaging market in 1999 with direct connections to the UK mobile network providers.

Further expansion into wholesale telecommunications in 2003 allowed aql to create a telecommunications network capable of supplying UK PSTN numbering into the broadband industry to fulfill the growing demand for broadband voice “VoIP” services.

Key Market Segments and Metrics

  • Mobile Messaging – Field force automation, alerting, real time information, systems integration.
  • Messaging Hub – aql are a supplier of wholesale message termination to several international message hubs and mobile network operators. aql messaging platforms are responsible for the messaging service on over 94 Million UK numbers on behalf of approximately 42 UK telecommunications operators.
  • Wholesale Voice – aql host over 40 Million UK numbers (Ofcom numberblocks) on behalf of the UK DSL industry.
  • Wholesale Fax – aql hosts, manages and maintains the UK’s largest telecommunications operators’ fax platforms.

The aql Network

Underpinning our service design expertise is a carrier grade delivery network, operating both in the IP and TDM domain, allowing aql to provide innovation and bring the service to operation.

The aql network is a national network spanning several sites. With a large presence both in London and also significant out-of-london points of presence, this allows aql to operate a heavily interconnected network with full geographic resilience.

Our Security Culture

Since our foundation in 1998, we have placed security at the very core of our business. We have a strong security culture, operate our own secure telecommunications and data networks, and are able to assist out clients by providing independent and impartial security consultancy services.

aql's security consultants have worked at the very highest levels in the defence and security communities, and have gained considerable experience in the development, operation and maintenance of business-critical and commercially- sensitive systems. We are able to bring together diverse skill-sets coving all major technologies and specialise in projects that require a high-level of assurance.

All our key staff members undergo British Government National Security Vetting (NSV) clearances.

How We Do It – Our Values

Channel focus – Support and maintain rather than compete
Our partners manage the customer relationships, we manage our network and infrastructure.

Getting it right – Technology and engineering focus
For example, before we deliver wholesale numbering to a customer, we make sure the connectivity is right.We monitor over 1.3 million parameters per day to maintain quality of service on our network. We survey each support call to ensure we’ve done our job.

People – We get the right people and we keep them and grow them

aql Timeline

aql timeline

Board Structure

Dr Adam Beaumont [Managing Director]

Both a scientist and an electrical engineer, Adam started his career with a PhD in Physical Chemistry and a 3 year stint as Leeds University’s youngest lecturer, before moving into Secure Mobile Communications for the DERA. In 1998 Adam formed aql, offering domain registration services prior to the domain “boom”. He is a consistent innovator, providing one of the first API accessible mobile messaging platforms and more recently, the first wifi mobile voip service and in 2007, the UK’s main landline messaging hub. During his journey, he’s built datacentres, national networks, acquired 3 companies and has a prolific involvement in technology startups - His current involvements are a WiFi innovation company, a GSM engineering company, a digital rights management platform, a cafe-bar, a microbrewery and a whitelabel wholesale telecommunications operator. He continues to ensure that aql stays at the forefront of UK communications technology.

Paul Greaves [Sales Director]

Paul is aql’s Director of Sales and has over 25 years experience in direct selling and building sales channels. Paul has taken several companies from zero to £40m+, one of which he sold to United Utilities plc a UK FTSE 100, where he continued to develop for 5 years as Channel Director of Intercell, at the time of sale Intercell was Vodafone’s third largest independent service provider/billing platform. The subsequent acquisition by THUS plc and then again by Cable and Wireless most recently has given Paul first hand experience of ‘Solution’ sales of converged voice, data and MPLS at tier 1 level, both directly and via his channels. Paul’s role at aql is to identify, recruit and train suitable partners, to package and develop the product portfolio and back office systems. Paul has a BSc in Engineering.