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Mobile Access

aql® Mobile Access(tm) is based on the Award Winning aql® SMS Relay(tm) wholesale product

The Solution

The service allows any callcentre, or switchboard, to accept SMS text messages on its landline number. This means that your customer or caller has the option of either texting or calling - adding a new dimension to your customer service communication.
  • Accessibility - Deaf and hard of hearing community members can text in - no need for minicom lines
  • Audit trail - all texts are stored for quality purposes - ensuring all enquiries are dealt with quickly and effectively
  • 24/7 - Available even when the phones aren't manned
  • Communication on the public's own terms - they can text when and where they want to.
  • No busy tones or waiting on hold
  • SMS Texts can be integrated directly into existing software systems
  • Texts replies can be sent back
  • Increased accessibility to the 18-25 "text generation"